Every year 12,500 young people are diagnosed with cancer in the UK; 83% experience loneliness during or after treatment; 4 in 5 want to interact with others in a similar situation.
Brad Gudger, a two-time cancer survivor, realised that there was a lack of dedicated space for young people with cancer to support each other online.
“Living with cancer can be lonely. Speaking to others who have been there, done that, and worn the unflattering hospital gown makes all the difference. That’s what the Alike app is for.”
Brad Gudger
Alike connects people affected by cancer and helps them to combat loneliness. Peer support through the app is available any time, any place, and at any stage of cancer, improving the mental well being of patients and survivors.
Alike is currently the only not-for-profit peer support app, designed specifically for cancer patients and survivors over the age of 18.

This app is the first of its kind and has already received an incredible response from the cancer community, the charity sector, and the wider public. Alike is working in partnership with Teenage Cancer Trust, Young Lives vs Cancer and Trekstock Cancer Support. Alike is also working closely with Macmillan Cancer Support and NHS England.

Alike is among nineteen organisations that are currently enrolled on the Youth Ventures Programme (YVP). Through the YVP, QCT provides youth-led organisations with flexible funding, practical tools and technical support, and access to a global network of young leaders for 2+ years.
With QCT’s support since March 2022, Alike has been able to:
Amass a community of over 3,000 cancer patients and survivors
Implement Safeguarding and Privacy Policies
Re-assess and evaluate its operations and strategy, resulting in confidence to present their work to other funders
“QCT’s continued support over the years, from our initial COVID-19 grant to our multi-year funding through the YVP, has encouraged other grant-making bodies and philanthropists to support our cause leading to a vital increase in income year-on-year. Beyond this, the insight and knowledge from the QCT network has really helped us explore avenues of income sustainability to ensure we can continue to provide Alike’s platform long-term without having to rely solely on charitable fundraising. ”
Brad Gudger
Future work supported by QCT in 2023:
Alike aims to have more users and features on the app, bring positive advantages to community and support Alike’s sustainability.
Click below to watch Alike’s video.